
Fardin’s Music School

Private Piano Lesson Program



Piano Sessions

Beginner, Intermediate through Advanced Piano Students (one session per week per student):

This schedule applies to all students.  Piano is taught once a week and you are expected to make a commitment to practice in order for continuity, and flow of drilled ideas.

I expect my student to practice a minimum of 30 minutes per day.

All sessions include instructions in music theory, the study of how to read music as it gets progressively more advanced. Each session also covers correct music techniques (positions of the fingers, hand, wrist, arm, and body) for a particular passage in the music, so I sit right beside the student.

All piano lessons at the Fardin’s Music School are done in a private session format with me as an instructor. Individual attention is given to each student’s learning rate and needs. The amount of time needed for a session is determined by the age, ability of the student, practice habits and number of extra-curricular activities.



Grades K-4 & 7

Younger children usually require one 30 minutes private session per week depending upon the work load.

Grades 7 AND UP

For beginners and adults the weekly session is based upon the time required to cover necessary material. This age group usually requires one 45 minute private session per week.


Excluding Summer Semester, there are three (3) semesters per year.

Fall Semester: September through November

Winter Semester: December through February

Spring Semester: March through May

There will be Twelve (12) sessions per semester per student.

Each session for Grades K-4 through K-7 will be 30 minutes.

Each session for Grades K-7 & UP will be 45 minutes.

If an additional session is required, there will be an additional charge per session.

Tuition must be PAID FOR EACH SEMESTER in advance by the first week of that semester. A $20 late feel will be assessed for payments received by the 10th of each semester.  Payments may be made by check or cash. The tuition fee does not cover music fees for piano books, copies as well as special music instruments purchased by the teacher, and recitals.

The tuition for the semester will be prorated if a student starts in the middle of that semester.


Observed holidays are Thanksgiving Holidays (27-30 November), Christmas Holidays (24-26 December), New Year’s Day (January 1), and Spring break (07-13 April).

Missed Session/Makeup

Only Three make-up sessions per semester (fall, winter, and spring) can be given with an advanced 24 hour notice.  The make-up must be completed by the end of the semester.  Student’s absence for illness, death in the family, or other emergencies is qualified for make-up.

There will be no refund for missed or forgotten sessions. There are no exceptions to this policy.

Sessions canceled due to instructor’s illness, and emergencies will be made up or the tuition fee for the missed session will be credited to your account.  In the case of severe weather conditions, when it is too dangerous to drive, I will try to arrange another time. I offer you the choice of “switching” sessions with another student, with the requirement that you give me advance notice of several days before. Remember that you must call me several days in advance in order to switch sessions with another student for an emergency. When you cancel on the SAME day as the session, there is no possible way for me to arrange a “switch”, so you will unfortunately lose your session if that occurs.


Paid tuition is non-refundable. It is the responsibility of the parents and/or students to finish the semester they paid for.


Regrettably, I will have to dismiss a student if any of these circumstances occur:

  1. Failure to pay tuition on time.
  2. Persistent absences.
  3. Uncooperative attitude.
  4. Lack of progress due to insufficient practice or unfulfilled requirements.

Summer Sessions

It is important that the student continue his/her music program during the summer.  For the beginners continuous review of the music fundamentals is needed.  For more advanced students, the summer is a time to begin new repertoire for fall festivals and recitals.

In order to enroll for piano sessions the following year, each student enrolled in the Fardin’s Music School must participate in at least SIX private sessions during the summer term (June 1 through August 31). Private Sessions will be scheduled after May 1st by each parent/student in an appointment book.  Parents can sign up in the appointment book at different times in order to accommodate different camp and vacation schedules during the summer. Families who have plans in the summer that prevent them from taking summer piano sessions need to discuss this with me.

During the summer, the tuition shall be paid by the session or by the month.